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ArcGIS REST Export Function

09-20-2016 03:20 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Good day. One of the programmers on staff hit on an issue that I need to clear-up. He is taking mapservices and creating a document using the REST Export function and has found that recently the response times have increased. Basically, it is taking longer to retrieve responses from a EXPORT MAP IMAGE (GET), and he was wondering if there were any changes that could be made to the REST API configuration to improve response. Being a nube to Server, I am unfamiliar with the appropriate locations to see where I can make improvements. Or are these issues primarily due to the configuration of our server? We are running a VM with upto 16GB but shared with other servers. Any suggestions?

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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

The first thing I would do is take a look at the CPU and RAM usage on the machine.  Those numbers will be the easiest way to determine at least one problem that could affect performance.  Next, enable Verbose logging and make a single export map request.  Enable the Time Elapsed column within your logs and take a look at each step within the export map request.  You'll see things like symbolizing, data access, etc.  Determine which step took the longest and you can focus on why it's taking so long.

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