I am trying the new Collector for ArcGIS and the capibility to configure offline area directly in the webmap but I face an issue: every time I try to download the map from Collector, the download failed with the following error: "Download Failed".
I activated logging from Collector and saw the following error:
“Replica with GUID ({ac5c8afc-2aa3-4fb5-b767-b3231c2337c6}) does not exist on the server” – “Unable to complete operation”. I have the same error from Federated ArcGIS Server Manager interface.
I thought there was an issue with the service configuration or with the database but I can download the very same map when defining the offline area directly in Collector.
Using Fiddler, I was able to see that the “createReplica” operation was not made the same way as the old Collector:
I understand that the new Collector is using the replica made while creating the offline area and does not find it but it does exist in our database:
b.NAME, (timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT' + numtodsinterval(SUBSTR(a.PATH,8,20)/1000, 'SECOND')) at time zone 'Europe/Paris' "REPLICA_DATE"
on a.TYPE = b.UUID
where datasetinfo1 is not null and b.name in ('Sync Replica', 'Replica') and a.UUID = '{AC5C8AFC-2AA3-4FB5-B767-B3231C2337C6}' order by REPLICA_DATE
{AC5C8AFC-2AA3-4FB5-B767-B3231C2337C6} | Ags_Fs_1566310546195 | SCHEMA.AGS_FS_1566310546195 | Ags_Fs_1566310546195 | https://hostname.company.com:6443/arcgis/rest/services/myservice/FeatureServer | username@company.com | Sync Replica | 20-AUG-19 PM EUROPE/PARIS |
Looking at the output from the database query, I noticed that Portal for ArcGIS is registering the replica with the private url (https://hostname.company.com:6443) and Collector is trying to download it from the public Url configured with the webadaptor (https://hostalias.company.com).
If I do the very same request to “createReplica” endpoint with the same parameters but this time to the private Url (https://hostname.company.com:6443), it works.
Is it a bug or is something misconfigured with our ArcGIS Enterprise ? Any idea maybe Jonathan Quinn ?
If I go to the Portal for ArcGIS sharing REST end points:
I have the following output for the federated ArcGIS Server:
{ "id": "anId", "name": "hostname.company.com:6443", "adminUrl": "https://hostname.company.com:6443/arcgis", "url": "https://hostalias.company.com/arcgis", "isHosted": false, "serverType": "ArcGIS", "serverRole": "FEDERATED_SERVER", "serverFunction": "GeneralPurposeServer" }
Thanks for your help,
Solved! Go to Solution.
Thanks for the reply Jonathan Quinn.
Indeed, just contacted Tech Support and here is the NIM:
"BUG-000124867: When attempting to download a managed map area in Collector for ArcGIS, the download fails due to an error that occurs between ArcGIS Server and the ArcGIS Web Adaptor replica access"
Workaround: "Add the layers associated with the map to Portal for ArcGIS through the :6443/arcgis/rest URL instead of the Web Adaptor URL."
I believe this is a bug. Unfortunately, I don't have the bug number on hand, but reach out to Tech Support who can work on attaching you to it.
Thanks for the reply Jonathan Quinn.
Indeed, just contacted Tech Support and here is the NIM:
"BUG-000124867: When attempting to download a managed map area in Collector for ArcGIS, the download fails due to an error that occurs between ArcGIS Server and the ArcGIS Web Adaptor replica access"
Workaround: "Add the layers associated with the map to Portal for ArcGIS through the :6443/arcgis/rest URL instead of the Web Adaptor URL."