applyEdits API via post, authentication for system

05-19-2022 08:40 AM
New Contributor III


We have a 10.9.1 base installation of Enterprise and are using SAML for authentication via an AD FS idp. Built-in accounts are also employed. 

We are looking for a way to do this via the hosting arcgis server's rest API (in short another system will receive data associated with a feature in a feature service and issue a http post to /FeatureServer/applyEdits in order to update a feature. First it needs to authenticate)

 I've read which appears to suggest the generateToken method:

"Applications should continue to use the non OAuth2-based applications authentication model for both user logins and app logins."

(Which makes sense to me as an Enterprise user account with permissions to edit said featureservice needs to make the edits and it should likely be a built in account for a system)

I tried to generate a token with portal/sharing/rest/generateToken for the IP of my devel machine and then to formulate a http post with Bearer Token and an url encoded form with the "edits" key and a valid array of edit jsons*, as well as the "f" param with "pjson" for an informational reply and I kept getting "invalid token". (With no auth there was a "token required" message.)

* When using the HTML form at ../FeatureServer/applyEdits the same edits worked


-Should we be using another strategy? (I may have misunderstood something significant)

-If not, have you any idea why my attempts failed?

Many thanks for any piece of wisdom! : )

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