Hello all,
I am having a weird issue. If I go to 'https://portalDNS.domain.com/arcgis' I receive a 404 error, but if I add the '/home' to the end of the URL it takes me to the Portal Homepage. Our Portal's Web Adaptor is configured to the server name not the DNS name. Our first thought was to unregister the WA and re-register it to the DNS name. Would this solve the 404 error? This is a semi-fresh install with no data or active users (Enterprise 10.7.1).
Any help would be appreciated.
The web adaptor should be redirecting https://wa.domain.com/wa-name to https://wa.domain.com/wa-name/home automatically. Do you have a reverse proxy in front of the web adaptor?
Hey Jon,
We have an F5 load balancer in front of the WA. I forgot to mention that this issue is intermittent. Some users reach the Portal login screen while others receive the 404 error