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10.6.1 to 10.7.1 benefits

10-11-2019 03:46 AM
Occasional Contributor

Is there any benefits to moving from 10.6.1 to 10.7.1? also please provide the benefits compare between portal 10.6.1 Vs 10.7.1

I understand from the provided links and these links were already reviewed and we can see in ESRI site but as you may explore portal physically, I would like to see a comparison between 10.6.1 & 10.7.1 with points or something like summary of items in both so that we can tell our team to migrate into 10.7.1, please suggest.

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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

To call out a few specific items:

Shared Instances

Bulk Publishing

ArcGIS Notebook Server

ArcGIS Excalibur

As Dan said, you would need to review all the What's New doc and make a determination as to what is most important for you and your organization.

--- George T.