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World Traffic Service in Portal?

09-28-2016 04:42 PM
Frequent Contributor

We would like to make the Esri World Traffic Service available to our Portal for ArcGIS named users, so they can add it to web-maps.  

Currently they can add the REST endpoint to a web-map, but it then prompts for a named user for ArcGIS Online (makes sense). 

As an administrator for Portal for ArcGIS, you can add additional 'utility services' from ArcGIS Online (e.g. Routing, geocoding, etc) and you only need to provide one named user, and then all of your Portal users can use these analysis services, the bill for credits just going to that one named user in AGO.  I was wondering if there is a similar model for adding premium content (in this case the Traffic Service) to a Portal, without the POrtal named users all needing an additional named user for ArcGIS Online?  

I have also seen in ArcGIS Online, that when you include premium content into a web-map and then create an app.  You can choose to still allow people to access the app, and the credit billing goes to the named user that created the app (can also apply shaping on how many credits it will use).

In short: How can I add the World Traffic Service to a web-map in Portal for ArcGIS, share it to others in the Portal, but they won't get prompted for a named user to ArcGIS Online?

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