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Viewer account problem

01-08-2024 10:57 PM
New Contributor

Hi, we have an ArcGIS enterprise portal ( As a admin user  I need to create a common viewer account which account is accessible by many person. Viewers can only view the maps and other info. But viewer have no permission to change the  password of this account. Password can only changeable by admin.  Is it possible to create this types of viewer account? If possible please let me know how to do that.

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3 Replies
Emerging Contributor
It is recommended to issue a viewer account to each of user rather than sharing same account to multiple users. All viewers can be added to a group and content can be assigned to that group.

If Admin set security question by himself and don't share with users, users shall not be able to reset their accounts.

Best Regards

SIT Digital International Inc
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Frequent Contributor

Agreeing with the first comment on both points - shared accounts are to be discouraged, but to reset the password a user must receive an email with a link to rest the password, so simply setting the email for the account to your own will prevent other users from changing the password.

ArcGIS Enterprise comes with unlimited viewer accounts, and it is preferred to have users use their own accounts.


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Esri Contributor

To add to @sitdigital note, which is correct. I would like to add that ArcGIS Enterprise Viewer licenses are free. 

Generally, we suggest 50 users per core as a good rule of thumb. So you can add as many Viewers to your ArcGIS Enterprise environment. However, if your system seems to be straining and users are experiencing poor, inconsistent system performance, it may be time to scale your system by adding more cores.

Another option is having an internal-facing Enterprise Server or webserver and having maps, apps, surveys, etc shared with that environment. It would be a bit of a structural change that you would have to asses if that is appropriate for your organization.

Amanda De Medeiros
Esri Canada
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