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update the existing features using Smart Editor in ArcGIS Enterprise Portal-10.8.1v

07-28-2022 11:30 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi Team,

I am consuming the "smart editor" Widget in portal for arcgis 10.8.1v for web editing/ Update purpose. 

Use Case-1:

1st user collected the feature with missing field info like address or any other info. Now 2nd user can select the same feature for updating the missing info with auto populate fields (like address, other info).

Use case-2:

IF a user keep the new point on the building (intersecting with the building) how can the some of building attributes will populate to newly created point feature using intersect option from Attribute actions?

I've followed the video series 

but i ddint get the solutions for the above requirements!! ( I would like to do Elite Editing on the web!!!)

Thanks in advance for the help!! 

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