I've been trying to add one of my secured map services(ArcGIS Server 10.3.1) to Portal(10.3.1), but I end up receiving
Unable to load https://arcgisportaltest.com/portal/sharing/proxy?https://arcgisresttest.com/arcgis/tokens/ status: 400
The URLs are my CISCO load balance URLs wrapping up Portal and ArcGIS Webadaptors. I have certs deployed on Portal and ArcGIS Server and they both seems to trust each other.
When I run this - https://arcgisportaltest.com/portal/sharing/checkUrl.jsp?url=https://arcgisresttest.com/arcgis/rest
I get the below response, which means Portal and ArcGIS are able to communicate to each other.
"secured": false,
"httpStatusCode": 200,
"httpStatusMessage": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
"httpResponse": "",
"url": "https://arcgisresttest.com/arcgis/rest"
Interestingly, when I try to add the same map services from using the webadaptor URL that gets added to portal with no issues. I'm not sure what's really not right when using my CISCO URL.
Thanks in advance,