I added layer to existing feature layer using "addToDefination" API.
Input layer data : http://jsonblob.com/1234911840365830144. even if giving name of field is "fid" still taking "fid0" after adding.
With this layer get added to feature layer. but can't see layer on viewer because item data is missing. I am trying to add item data using shape file "Append content" option. It throwing error. I did mapping of field also. Not sure whats wrong.
First_upload.zip is which I uploaded initial layer which become feature layer. In that using addTodefination API I added second layer with similar defination of second_upload.zip. After adding layer try to upload second_uploadz.zip file using append to layer for second layer.
Hey @AvinashDalvi_
I was curious if you could provide a screenshot of the errors that you're experiencing? I'm currently not around a computer so my ability to download your files is limited.
"errorMessage": "Error reading features.",
"operationName": "append",
"status": "FAILED"