To symbolize cliffs in a traditional way I created a png to be used for line features and the outer line of polygons. Within AGP everything works fine and the symbology is actually showing what I had in mind. However, sharing the feature layer as a web layer on our portal does end in a standard polygon with random filling... I wanted a custom outer line with a picture stroke and no filling at all.
I am sharing it as a hosted layer:
After sharing the layer I also cannot adjust the symbology and point to the image, because I would not know where the png was stored on the portal + I cannot select a picture for the outer line of a polygon in the first place.
How do I get my symbology shown in the portal?
This is likely unsupported and a limitation of hosted layers and they way the clients can render them. There is an ArcGIS Idea to allow complex symbology and some discussion about it there. The main takaway is that this symbology will not work in any web viewers or mobile apps, but you should be able to apply the symbology to the service if you pull it in to ArcGIS Pro.
Thanks for the Idea link and your explanation. I ended up in sharing the layer as 'Map Image', selecting 'Map Image under 'Copy all data', and that is good enough for my purpose. 🙂