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switch coordinate grid from 0-360°

04-03-2013 12:54 AM
Deactivated User
Is there a possibility to switch the coordinate grid from 180°W-180E° --> 0°-360°???

Any help is very wellcome and thank you in advance,

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3 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
If you add the attached shapefile to ArcMap first, it will set the data frame to 0-360 in WGS84. If you want to use a different GCS, use the Define Projection Tool to change the coordinate system.

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Deactivated User
Thanks very much! it works.
Now I only still have the problem, that the layer Grid doesn`t show the same coordinates.
They still display in 180°W-180°E
Do you/anybody have a furhter hint for me.
Thank, andrea
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Esri Notable Contributor
Hi Andrea,

Do you mean in layout view, adding a graticule to the map? That functionality was never added to allow it to label 0-360. You might have to create the grid, but unlabelled and label it by hand or use the Create Fishnet tool to generate a graticule, but again it would have to be labelled manually.

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