RGB Values

04-22-2013 10:43 PM
New Contributor
Hello all,

I am currently looking up ways, or to be more specific, the quickest way to establish RGB values or any other colour value of colours in ArcGIS.

My need is to exactly match one colour value from one .shp file and recreate it in another.

The way I have found so far is to go to symbology - colors - more colors and locate the RGB here. Is there a quicker way of doing this, for example like the dropper function in MS Paint?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


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6 Replies
New Contributor
Hello again,

I have located and added the "Eye dropper" and added it to the tool bar.

This seems to have what I was after.

If one was working with a large amount of colours would one have to note all RGB values and correspond them with the original .shp? From what I can gather it appears that way. If that makes sense to anyone!

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Occasional Contributor III
If your data is the same type (polygons to polygons, etc) and is going to be styled according to the same fields you can save the symbology to a layer file, add it to your new maps, and change the source data to point to the new shapefiles.

If you need symbology based on different fields and just want a color match, you can use Export Map Styles to make all your symbols easily retrievable, they can be chosen from the standard symbols list that comes up when you go to choose a symbol.  (This is also for if the data is the same type.)

If you have lots of colors on data that is of different types, you may be able to script something to export the RGB values of the symbols.  I know I've seen scripts to color features based on RGB values in the table so maybe it can be made to go the other way.
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New Contributor
Many thanks for your response. It is certainly of help.

I am wondering, on a more basic level, if there is a quicker way to identify the name of a colour using the RGB values through the Eye Dropper tool.

At present I am obtaining the RBG values and doing a CTRL + F in a doc. to find the name.

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Frequent Contributor III
If you save a feature as a layer file it will save the color scheme based on how you have the colors done up in your symbology.

you can import the symbology given that they basis for the color is the same.
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New Contributor III
Hi all,
You can get the colour name via the style manager (For existing colours saved to a style).
Say go style manager > find the the esri color folder >
Click a color. If you use properties it brings up the 'spectrum group' with the RGB values for that colour at the top.
To get a name for that colour you can drop the 'RBG' drop down to name (or CMYK / HSV etc).

Try Adobe 'Kuler' if you want some more colour ideas as well.

Hope that helps.

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Occasional Contributor III
Many thanks for your response. It is certainly of help.

I am wondering, on a more basic level, if there is a quicker way to identify the name of a colour using the RGB values through the Eye Dropper tool.

At present I am obtaining the RBG values and doing a CTRL + F in a doc. to find the name.


So you want the Eye Dropper to say "Peach" instead of RGB numbers?  I can't think of anything besides writing up your own custom Eye Dropper.  If you're only doing this once in a while then it's probably easiest to keep with your current method.  But for many or all features in a layer, if you can get the RGB values into the attribute table then you could join color names from your document.  (Copy from Word to Excel, do text to columns and format it all nice, then table join.)
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