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"Show related records" funcionality is not available in Portal but available in ArcGIS Online

09-04-2014 06:54 AM
Frequent Contributor


The option "Show related records" is not available in the Pop up window in ArcGIS Portal.

However, this functionality (show related records) is available in ArcGIS Online.

ESRI, please provide this functionality in Portal.

Is Portal not using the latest version of JS API 3.10?

Thank you

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9 Replies
MVP Alum

I'm not seeing it either. I've tried every combination of map and feature services, from SDE to FGDB, cannot find anywhere to enable related records viewing in Portal. That surely can't be by design....? ESRI? Sure would be nice if someone could respond to this, let us know if this is another one of those "Enhancements".

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Esri Contributor

Hi Adriana,

I would direct you to a topic in this years UC Q&A to address your question:

What is new in the Portal for ArcGIS 10.3 extension to ArcGIS for Server:

“Refreshed Map Viewer and Portal for ArcGIS website: Numerous improvements have been made to the Portal for ArcGIS website and Map Viewer to match the additions to the ArcGIS Online website and Map Viewer since December 2013.”

Is it True that Portal for ArcGIS is always behind ArcGIS Online:

ArcGIS Online is updated three or four times a year and brings new features. Portal for ArcGIS, on the other hand, is refreshed with maintenance releases two or three times a year, with major releases approximately every 18 months. Enhancements in web applications and the portal will have a lag before they make it into Portal for ArcGIS. ..Our intent is to keep the portals in ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS as close as possible, but some differences are expected.

We’re expecting 10.3 to be available in early December and although there is no official documentation available on ArcGIS Resources yet regarding what’s new in 10.3, this functionality should be there.



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Frequent Contributor

Dear Daniel

Currently, even in ArcGIS Online, you may be able to see the related tables but not edit them. This is what I have seen. Do you confirm that?

My experience is that in order to edit the related tables (not only see them) you need to program this functionality with Javascript API.

I have successfully programed this functionality with the API (editing the related tables) when there is a 1:1 or 1:M relationship. But I haven’t been able to edit tables when there is a N:M relationship. Do you know if it is possible to edit tables with many to many relationship with the Javascript API?

Thank you so much.

0 Kudos
MVP Alum

that answer was quite confusing. Are related tables supported in the current version of Portal for ArcGIS, yes or no? Can one publish a feature service and add it to Portal, and allow users to see content from related tables when the feature service is added to a map?

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Frequent Contributor

Hi Tom

I understand that related tables are not supported in the current version of Portal for ArcGIS. They will be supported in 10.3 (when it is released in December).

In ArcGIS Online you can see related tables in a popup window. It seems that ArcGIS Online uses the more recent version of Javascript API and updates to Portal come later. However, currently, (from what I have seen) you are able see but not edit related tables in ArcGIS Online.

If editing is what you are looking for you need to program it using one of the APIs (possibly the Javascript API). I encourage you. It is not impossible.

Please let me know if you need any help.

Regards Adriana

0 Kudos
MVP Alum

Thanks. I might be interested in any code samples you've put in the gallery to that effect. Extremely frustrated with all of the "push" to migrate to Portal/AGOL, yet even the most basic of simple functionality requires hiring a programmer to implement. Grrrrr.....

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Occasional Contributor

So this still hasn't been resolved, I can click on the "show related records" in the map but the feature goes away when i share the application. When will this be updated?

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Frequent Contributor

Our Portal was just upgraded to 10.3 and I'm trying to make a map with a service from our server (not hosted). In Configure Popups, you don't get a Show related option. Instead all of the fields in related tables show up under Configure Fields.  I selected some of those fields to include, but when I try the popup, the field values are empty.  At the bottom of the popup is Showed related.... That opens the related table, ALL of the related table, not just the records you want. I'm at a loss as to what to try next. Grrr... indeed!

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I'm using 10.5 and am not having luck with related fields in Portal.