Hello people, I found a problem regarding extent of 2 geotiff files in ArcMap10, during overlaying them,
I could not make overlapping them. What is the issue here? I do not know may be because of incorrect projection
I made transformation of projection from WGS 84 (no datum) to WGS UTM zone 43N (datum: GCS WGS 1984).
Now I have the first and second file extents which look different like below.
i.e. the first file has this extent,
top: 42,962420662
bottom: 41,814701751
left: 76,0234295884
right: 79,26404769
and the second file has this extent,
top: 4757306,86873
bottom: 4637621,26178
left: 585066,888521
right: 846865,929771
but other stuff like spatial reference, linear unit, angular unit, false easting and northing, scale factor,
central meridian are the same.
How to find right solution? I mean how can I get the same extent for both raster files?
Your help would be very appreciated.