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problems with print settings on a t790 Plotter

02-06-2013 03:08 PM
Frequent Contributor
I'm up against a deadline, and I sure didn't expect to have problems printing. Using ArcGIS Desktop 10.1, Windows.  Made some changes in a poster sized maps that last printed in 2009, so they were probably made on an old PC with an older version of ArcGIS. Why is it now when I go to Page and Print setup, ArcGIS first wanted to use a my default letter size printer, but after selecting the plotter, ArcGIS thinks the only paper available to this T790 plotter is letter? The Properties button next to the printer is not working. The map page size portion shows my map is going to get tiled on multiple letter size sheets. On one of my map projects, Print Preview  shows my my map drawn once on a portrait page, then immediately draws it again on a very wide landscape page. Rebooting didn't help.
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Even a map project I last printed successfully on 1/28 now just prints a 8.5 x 11 in corner of the project. How did this print system get so messed up? Why when the deadline is today? 

For now, I'm exporting the map to pdf and printing with Adobe Reader.
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