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Problem with ArcGIS Portal Installation

09-18-2019 01:38 AM
Regular Contributor

Hello, I have a problem installing my portal

There was an error creating your initial administrator account.

Migration failed. Upgrade failed. No license file specified.

For more information, please view the log messages located in the content directory specified during setup (C:\arcgisportal\logs\).

Best regards,


GIS Developer

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4 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

What version are you using? I'm assuming you installed, tried to create site, and it failed a first time. Was the error something about the index configuration failed? A db folder is created during createSite and if the process fails because of an index problem, we don't delete the folder. We're looking to fix this. What happens next is that the portal thinks it's in "upgrade mode" rather than creating a new site. If this is a new install, make sure the db folder doesn't exist under C:\arcgisportal\ and try again.

Regular Contributor

Ok thanks Jonathan Quinn

I delete the db folder.

I have this error

here was an error creating your initial administrator account.

java.lang.Exception: Failed to start the database server. The startup timed out. Please check the log file at C:\arcgisportal\logs\\database\pgsql.log.

For more information, please view the log messages located in the content directory specified during setup (C:\arcgisportal\logs\).

Best regards,


GIS Developer

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Esri Notable Contributor

Take a look at my comment here for what to do next:

Take a look at the Event Viewer for why the database won't start. You can start by tracing back 5 minutes from when this error is written to the logs:


Failed to start the database server. The startup timed out. Please check the log file at C:\arcgisportal\logs\database\pgsql.log


For example look at what's happening around 11:43:23 in the Event Viewer for PG errors based on this message:


<Msg time="2019-09-12T11:48:23,756" type="WARNING" code="217062" source="Portal" process="1544" thread="1" methodName="" machine="machine" user="" elapsed="">Error checking status of database. Failed to start the database server. The startup timed out. Please check the log file at C:\arcgisportal\logs\database\pgsql.log.</Msg>

You may want to reach out to Support as well to have a look.

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New Contributor

Hello, sorry to resurrect an old support thread. Were you able to resolve this issue, and if so what was the fix? 

I have encountered the same issue and am working with Esri Tech Support towards a resolution but am interested to know your findings.

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