In Portal for ArcGIS is there a way to resize the attributes pop-up window apart from the 'maximize' or default option?
Hi Dean,
It is currently not possible to adjust the size of pop ups in a web map. However, there is a project underway to rework pop-ups in ArcGIS Online that "should roll out sometime in 2018". Once these changes are applied in ArcGIS Online, they will also be migrated to Portal for ArcGIS in a future release.
FYI, please vote for this enhancement on the Ideas site,
Hope this helps,
Thanks Derek. Very much appreciated and have voted and commented on the idea.
Hi Derek,
Any idea if the roll out is still planned for this year? Would be great!
So this was actually planned in 2018. As far as I know, it's still not rolled out.
Maybe in JS API v4 in the new Map Viewer and Experience builder?
I guess it'll never be rolled out for We bAppBuilder?