Portal for ArcGIS 10.9.1: How to create a group of members?
For example, in the screenshot below, I wanted the marked layer to be accessed only by jamal and sami. Then how jamal and sami can be put in a particular group?
Permissions to layers and items is based on the sharing model, which can be shared with everyone, (public access), the organization, specific group(s), or not shared at all:
As the administrator of a group, you decide who is part of the group:
So sharing an item with only certain members would mean creating a group, adding those users to the group, and then sharing the item with the group.
Thank you for the elaboration.
This means that if the permission for a particular layer is set to be “organization + G” as per the screenshot below, then this means that the members who belong to the G group are ONLY allowed to access the layer but not all the organization members
That is not correct. Content shared to the organization means that any user account in your organization will be able to access the content (i.e. not public and user accounts with a custom role removing the privilege to remove content shared to the org).
Right. Then if the permission for particular layer is set be “Owner + G” then ONLY the Owner and group members will be having an access to that particular layer
Right. The privileges are set at the member level (user type+ role)