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Portal content missing services

07-16-2018 01:17 PM
Occasional Contributor

I am running Portal 10.6 with a federated, hosting server (Arcgis Server 10.6). The portal has anonymous access and the publishing webadaptor has basic authentication. When I publish a new service, it does not appear in my "Contents" section on the portal, and the web application wants an additional login, which returns an Error #2048 dropping the service from the application. What do I need to change to enable all services and avoid this error?

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2 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

Hi Diane,

Try setting Anonymous on the web adapters for Portal and ArcGIS Server.


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Occasional Contributor

I found the problem.... even though I published the service, it was listed under the other administrator's content and not yet shared.  Once I gave it permission to share to the organization, it came up in the application with no additional login request.
