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North of 62° (EPSG 1612)

05-10-2012 04:27 AM
Emerging Contributor
I've been given a few CAD layers and projection details are:

Projection: Universal Transverce Mercator
SPHEROID: International
DATUM: ED50, North of 62° (EPSG 1612)

So my question is when Defining projection in ArcMap what Projected Coorinate System should I select?

Thank you
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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
The EPSG 1612 reference on the datum is for a geographic/datum transformation, ED 50 to WGS 1984 (23). The software this data comes from must be "early-binding." That is, each GCS/datum has a transformation linked to it. ArcGIS is "late-binding." Data is tagged with a neutral coordinate system definition. When you need to transform it to another coordinate systems, then you pick a particular transformation. So define the data with ED 1950 UTM zone 32N (north). If you need to convert it to WGS84, use ED_1950_To_WGS_1985_23.

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Emerging Contributor
Hi Melita,

Thank you very much for you reply. That makes sense and I will do it.

Thank you

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