I read Clone Portal users, groups and content | ArcGIS for Developers with great interest. Question, the author makes very clear that "Service Items" cannot be cloned: "It does not copy over services though,..." , "Note, this notebook did not copy over the services that power the service based items. Such items continue to point to the same URL as the ones in source portal did. As long as those URLs remain accessible, the web maps and layer items continue to be usable.". Question 1, why can't service based items be cloned? What if we're moving the hosting server as well? Question 2, what exactly is a service based item in this article? Many of the "service items" I have in portal are where I took a rest endpoint from a non-federated server and added it to Portal using "Add content from web" in "My Content". Am I correct in understanding that this notebook example WILL NOT migrate any service item, regardless of if it's from the hosting server or any un-federated server? If so, why? Seems like migrating service items is a pretty critical component of moving an enterprise install.