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Map Image Layer not Viewable Unless Shared With Everyone

01-29-2024 05:03 AM
Labels (2)
Frequent Contributor

Hey all,

Starting yesterday, the people in my org that use a server connection file are unable to see a service or content that it shared at an organizational level. I have republished the service, and create a separate group for these users, but it still is not viewable.

The second I turn these to "Everyone (Public)" everything comes back as if nothing had happened.

This information should not be shared Publicly, only with certain people in the org, I was curious if anyone has seen this and how they have resolved it?

Enterprise 11.2 ArcPro 3.2

Without Everyone:



With Everyone:



Some fields intentionally left blank.

Thanks in advance!

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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Support ticket has been opened for this, will respond with outcome.

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Frequent Contributor


Support was not able to resolve this issue as of yet. Still no progress.

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