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Layers with Embedded password not loading in Portal 10.5

05-30-2017 11:31 AM
Emerging Contributor


I am having an issue with Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 where the layers with an embedded password show up an unavailable.  However, if I simply reload the browser the layers load just fine.  Is anyone else experiencing this issue?  We didn't have any issues like this when we were on Portal 10.4.  Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. the layers with embedded passwords are from multiple sources, inlcluding my own standalone ArcGIS Server.

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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

I don't know the solution but two things come to mind:

Have you cleared the browser cache?  (seems unlikely to solve but caching creates a lot of issues)

What browser are you using and have your tried alternate ones?

I've gone to using IE exclusively, at least for the moment, because even with Esri's released Patches for Chrome (for Portal 10.4.1) , I still have problems that show up on occasion.  Most of the issues seem to be related to Chrome's security model.  

good luck

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