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Is EDN license necessary for authorizing Portal for ArcGIS

11-08-2016 08:00 AM
New Contributor III

My company has Portal for ArcGIS for two environments: DEV and TEST. The Portal has software authorization issue and needs to reactive for both two environments. The ESRI help tutorial says the first step is to create a provisiong file or get an authorization number:

"Visit My Esri to obtain your authorization number (similar in format to ECP123456789) for use in the software or to create a provisioning file, which can be used to complete the authorization process."

My question is that how can I obtain my authorization number or create a provisioning file? Does it require an EDN license? Can I use my own esri account to obtain the authorization number or provisioning file for both DEV and TEST?

I am a GIS developer. My company bought an EDN license for me, so what can I do by using EDN? Could anyone provide me related documents?

Any help would be appreciated!!! Many thanks!!!



3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Shuhong,

Portal for ArcGIS is part of EDN. For details on what is included with an EDN subscription,

Esri Developer Network | What You Get 

Please contact Esri Customer Service to get the appropriate license file(s),

How To: Activate and authorize ArcGIS 10.x EDN subscription licenses 

> My question is that how can I obtain my authorization number or create a provisioning file? Does it require an EDN license?

Yes, it requires an EDN subscription.

> Can I use my own esri account to obtain the authorization number or provisioning file for both DEV and TEST?

No, you need to contact Esri Customer Service.

Hope this helps,

New Contributor III

Hi Derek,

Thank you so much, it did help! Sorry I am new to EDN. I found out the list of subscription my EDN license can cover.

Because my EDN license is an annual subscription, Is the authorization number for Arcgis Desktop I got from my EDN also annual or forever?

I saw there are five subscriptions related to Portal for ArcGIS. How can I use these licenses? where can I find the documents to introduce these licenses?



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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Shuhong,

From the screenshot your provided, it looks like you have 4 named user accounts licensed for your Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 PreRelease. 2x for membership level 1, and 2x for membership level 2.

Organization roles and membership levels—Portal for ArcGIS (10.5) | ArcGIS for Server 

Please contact Esri Customer Service (1 (888) 377-4575) for more details, they will be able to address your software licensing questions.

Hope this helps,