We are planning to expose rest end to add new raster to imagery server, the REST API for imagery server has a supporting operation to add raster.
However the new raster can be added only if it a an item on portal.
So if we add a new geotiff using ArcGIS API for Python as a new item on Portal. Where would Portal allocate the memory for hosting the geotiff?
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Thank you.
Hello Brent,
I believe you are referring to the data store? Here is some information that may help:
Hi @ABishop, thanks for the information however when I checked if we have datastore installed it gives the following message:
Does this mean that datastore is not installed? What happens in this case? Where would the ArcGIS server store the geotiff?
Looks like you will have to configure the data store.
Not sure what version of ArcGIS Server you are running, but here is an information article from ESRI's website, just change the version you are on.
You may need to configure a raster store (folder location) where the ArcGIS Enterprise can place the imagery files; https://enterprise.arcgis.com/en/portal/latest/use/add-items.htm#ADD_DATASTORE
Then you should be able to add those items to Portal. It will copy the imagery files to that datastore location created above.
The data store image above is for hosted vector data in ArcGIS Enterprise.