When you have an AGOL for Org subscription, you have capabilities to perform spatial analysis in AGOL Map Viewer, for e.g. hotspots or geo-enrichment which produce a new feature service with results of the analysis.
How can we use the portal Map Viewer to perform the same analysis? When i add a layer to portal map viewer, i dont see the options to "Perform Analysis".
I've asked this several times of the staff i know at Esri involved with Server and Portal, and I've gotten the answer "it's coming", without a definitive date or release. it's not in the Pre-release for 10.3, so i have a feeling it's a going to be a while before we see anything on this front.
Thanks Jacob. Sad to know it didnt make it to pre-release for 10.3.
Hi Anand,
FYI, spatial analysis capabilities in the Portal map viewer will be part of the forthcoming Portal for ArcGIS 10.4 release.
Hope this helps,