I am creating the open data portal for our organisation but on the home page we would like to use a static image rather than a map. Similar to how the ESRI open data home page looks http://opendata.arcgis.com/ . I know you can choose to edit the code when you're building your portal but I can't see the place where you would change this map to a static image. Does anyone know if this is possible?@
Based on my understanding, there is no way to do what you want without putting in your own HTML/CSS. It's possible, but would require operating outside of the div that the UI works within. We wanted a similar setup for our page, and we opted to host the landing page for open data ourselves.
Thanks, I think that's probably what we'll have to do then. I think if we unclick the option for homepage map in the setup and then edit the HTML to add a new box for a photo hopefully that'll work.
Thanks for answering!