Okay, here is my project, plans, and problems...
I am a student currently interning at Roatan, Honduras at a dive resort. One of the projects that I am trying to accomplish is to "map the sea floor" for the guest here. The equipment I have to basically a dive computer that gives good enough depth reading so that it can be done. Then turn that into a 3D map. I am using Arcmap 9.3.1 Student Edition.
Plan: Collecting Data
Using my dive computer I am going to swim in lines to make a grid about 30 meters square. This is a starting point to see if I will be able to do it. My computer takes depth every second, I figure I can try and swim slowly to take as many measure along the path as I can get.
Plan: Using Arcmap
My plan is to make a create a line and point shapefile, or maybe a grid. Put points on the grid giving the data for depth. Then putting it into 3D.
This project is pushing my limits of my understanding on how to do it and way do it. I have always dealt with roads, or pre-made base maps. So making a new map is very new to me. If any of you know a good way to go about going about the project, could you give a basic outline on what to do?