It appears as though one of the layers in the map has a transparency set on it; the grey polygon with red outline. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this also may be the topmost layer in the table of contents. If so, what's happening is that the layer with the transparency is being rasterized, (or turned into an image), and all layers beneath that layer with the transparency are being rasterized as well, resulting in one Image layer. Take a look at this resource regarding exporting to pdfs, and why layers in the Table of Contents of ArcMap don't match the layers in the PDF.
Finally, regarding the "Other" layers in the pdf, I'd suggest you play around with grouping all layout elements by selecting them, right clicking on one element, and clicking Group. This will create one "Other" layer in the pdf.
I am experiencing the same issue with 10.1. I have two point feature datasets, on top of two semi-transparent polygon feature datasets, as well as a basemap. I have group the polygons together, however I am still getting the Image and Other layers in the PDF file, despite trying the options above, e.g. vectorising.
Call me a cynic but it looks to me that ESRI is trying to push users down the Publisher route. Regardless, any help/advice you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
You are certainly going to need to turn your transparencies to 0% and ungroup whatever you have grouped. Otherwise, there isn't much of an option. Believe me, I spent a lot of time messing around with it before I gave into ESRI's solution.
That's very poor from ESRI. I'm not going to comprimise on the look of any map just for some PDF functionality. I've had 10.1 for less than a week and this is one of many issues I've experienced. I am already considering rolling back to v10, not impressed.
I'm piggy-backing off this thread because my issue is very similar.
I am attempting to create a GeoPDF. I have several layers that I would like to show up as layers in the GeoPDF so that I can turn them on/off. However, when I export my map they do not all show up.
I do not have any transparencies or definition queries happening. I only have one data frame in my map. Yet, only 2 of the 7 layers I would like to view will show up in my GeoPDF. Everything else gets clumped together under "image."
Does anyone have any tips or tricks for getting this to work correctly? It is extremely frustrating as I've made PDFs in the past with over 7 layers and they've appeared just fine.
NOTE: I have tried grouping/ungrouping layers to get things to appear or not. I have tried vectorizing picture images (does not work). I'm not sure what else to do at this point.