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Fail ExportSite on ArgisServer

12-14-2018 09:44 AM
Emerging Contributor

While trying to run ExportSite on ArgisServer fails with "Export operation failed. null" message. ArcgisServer is linked with a pair of  HA DataStores. Any help would be appreciated

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5 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

What version are you using? There's a bug fixed at 10.6 where corrupt/missing thumbnails would cause exportSite to return a similar, but not identical error. Can you run the export with DEBUG logs and see if any more information is logged?

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Emerging Contributor

Thanks for  your response , I am using 10.6.1.

I am using Portal Administrator Directory, and do not know how to enable DEBUG log for exporting



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Esri Notable Contributor

Are you running a backup of Server, or of Portal? You can't run a backup of Server through the Portal Administrator Directory.

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Emerging Contributor

Sorry about muy misleading previous mail

I ment arcgis server adminsitration



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Frequent Contributor

I just ran into the same error this morning while making a backup with webgisdr tool.

The ArcGIS Server failing was the hosting one.

Took me a while to find out the root cause because the error logged was not very talkative but I finally found it: after a reboot of the VM, the drive hosting the "arcgiscache" folder was not mounted thus inaccessible. After mounting it back, the issue was solved.

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