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Error creating view layer

07-02-2020 03:12 PM
Frequent Contributor


I am running in to an issue in Portal 10.7 when I try to create a view layer from a hosted feature layer, it seems to run through ok and creates the layer in the Contents but then this error appears, and I am unable to use the View in any webmap etc without the same error coming up

 The Server manager shows this error:

Error executing tool. Export Web Map Task : Failed to create layer from service at https://xxxxxx/server/rest/services/Hosted/Soil_Collection_Points_map1/FeatureServer/0. Failed to execute (Export Web Map). Failed to execute (Export Web Map Task).

I have been able to create views from some hosted features layers that were newly created from Survey123 Connect for example.

Any thoughts on whats happening here?


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6 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi Chris,

Out on interest are there any services returning error messages on server relating to "Thumbnail is not available" or Iteminfo is not available"?

I've had a similar problem error message when trying to create a hosted layer view not sure if is related to yours though.



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Frequent Contributor

Hi Clinton

No, I checked some of the hosted services that I am having issues with and there isn't any of those errors that I can see.

It really seems to be hot and miss as to whether creating a view will work for a particular hosted feature layer.

I'm struggling to put it down to anything consistent.

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Frequent Contributor

Ok my issue was related thumbnail generation failing when I created a hosted layer view refer to thread



Frequent Contributor

I think you might be on to something Clinton!

Yes the thumbnails aren't be created and if I manually add one the error goes away.

According to the Sys Admins that built the Portals, or the appropriate certificates are installed, so there maybe something else going on.

Either way you have pointed me in the right direction.  Much appreciated

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Frequent Contributor

Hey Chris Roberts‌,

Super basic question and something I often forget but are you the owner of the hosted feature layer and do you have create permissions?

Create hosted feature layer views—Portal for ArcGIS | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise 



Frequent Contributor

Hi Ben

Yep I am the owner of the FL(s) in question, and the appropriate permissions have been set.  I am alos an Admin on the Portal

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