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Enterprise Role Permissions and Overwrite Capabilities

03-17-2022 01:32 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

We are setting up a workflow for metadata creation in Pro and sharing content with Portal along with maintenance.  We have a staff person whose responsibility is to maintain the Portal metadata and sync it up with the original data on on-premise stores.   We found that having the role of admin on Portal allows the user during the Overwrite Web Layer process to overwrite other people's content and have a view of My Groups and My Organization during the process  as shown below.  If you are not admin, all you see is My Content and you cannot overwrite other peoples content.  We would like this person to have overwrite capabilities but not admin permissions.  I cannot find the  Role privileges that provides access to this function.  Anyone know if the permission for this exists and what it is?  I've tried several but coming up empty.



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