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Change layout of world map

08-11-2010 10:11 AM
Deactivated User
I am trying to make a map of the Pacific Ocean and the surrounding land masses.  The problem is the ldata I have (from ESRI Data and Maps) has the Pacific Ocean split.  Is there a way to change the way the data is viewed so I can see the east Pacific and west Pacific all together?  I have been self-taught on using ArcMap so I don't know all the technical please explain as if I don't know anything about the program;)

Thanks in advance.
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4 Replies
Emerging Contributor
There are many map projections that leave the Pacific Ocean intact as one piece, you simply need to reproject your data.
In ArcCatolog is easiest... use the toolbox and select Data Management Tools >> Transformations and Projections >> Feature >> Project.  Select >> Projected Coordinate Systems >> World; now select your desired projection...
Here are a couple of projections that are "Pacific-centric" (in a manner of speaking) and which you choose depends on your purpose:
Miller cylindrical

You can learn about others here
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Esri Notable Contributor
There are many map projections that leave the Pacific Ocean intact as one piece, you simply need to reproject your data.
In ArcCatalog is easiest... use the toolbox and select Data Management Tools >> Transformations and Projections >> Feature >> Project.  Select >> Projected Coordinate Systems >> World; now select your desired projection...
Here are a couple of projections that are "Pacific-centric" (in a manner of speaking) and which you choose depends on your purpose:
Miller cylindrical

You can learn about others here

We have one western Pacific-centered projection, WGS 1984 PDC Mercator, suitable for small scale use in 10. Its center is 150E. The existing "world" projections supplied are all centered at 0 longitude (except World from Space). For any, you'll need to "modify" the existing definition and change the central meridian or longitude of center.

You don't have to immediately reproject your data either. You may want to add some of your data to ArcMap, and then change the data frame's coordinate system. That way you can look at the results and keep modifying the coordinate system until you're happy with it.

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Emerging Contributor
Ah, yes.  Forgot about the "modify" part of that process when I used Robinson; my mistake.
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Emerging Contributor

While it has been a long time, I found this to be helpful for a project I'm working on. Some additional information on how to do this with the updated ArcGIS Pro software can be found in this tutorial.

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