I am configuring the ArcGIS Geoanalytics server on 10.7.1 Enterprise. The server installations and configuration completed. we are able to federate the server to the Enterprise. however, changing the ArcGIS Enterprise
Feature Analysis - GeoAnalytics Tools |
Unable to set gis.xxxx.com/geoanalyticsserver as the GeoAnalytics Server.
Failed to update federated server 'gis.xxxx.com (id: SEEJBPmTdDOmFVfp)'. The server at 'https://gis.xxxx.com/geoanalyticsserver/admin/security/config/changeServerRole' returned an error. Error encountered while changing the server role. Could not connect to the ArcGIS component at URL 'https://gis.xxxx.com/arcserver/admin/data/trustedServers'. The ArcGIS component on that machine may not be running or the machine may not be reachable at this time.Error: connect timed out
Kindly advise...
Hi Mallemala Kishore, can you please contact Technical Support about this case? They'll be best equipped to troubleshoot with you and figure out what's causing the error you mentioned.
Best regards,
Noah Slocum - Product Engineer, GeoAnalytics Team
Seems like a networking problem. Can you reach 'https://gis.xxxx.com/arcserver/admin/data/trustedServers' from the GeoAnalytics machine? Connection timed out would imply a firewall or similar problem that prevents the GeoAnalytics machine from reaching that URL. If you can reach that URL from the GeoAnalytics machine, then I agree, Support is the next step.