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Annotation Help

10-11-2011 11:02 AM
Occasional Contributor
🙂 I am useing 9.3, and have created a filegeodatabase. I was once able to move my annotaion around to where ever I wanted but now all I can do is make it diffrent colors, and styles but I can not move it from its location. What is going on, and how do i fix this issue.

To create the annotation, i lable my features and use the the convert to annotation, and then save it into the gdb. If i save it in the map view I can move them where ever I want but not in the gdb. I was able to do this a week or two ago, but can not figure out why this is occuring now.

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3 Replies
Deactivated User
I think because the annotation is stored as a "feature class" you have to actually start an edit session with the annotation as your target layer before you are able to re-position the anno.

You can freely move annotation in data view (or a focused data frame in layout view) when it is saved in the map as an "annotation group".
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Occasional Contributor
I think because the annotation is stored as a "feature class" you have to actually start an edit session with the annotation as your target layer before you are able to re-position the anno.

You can freely move annotation in data view (or a focused data frame in layout view) when it is saved in the map as an "annotation group".

Yes I have it in an edit session, and it still will not move for me. I want to avoid using the map layer annotation, since I want to be able to recreate this map in diffrent ways several times over. So thats why its important to me to use the featurreclass annotation. But it will not allow me to move the features around.
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MVP Alum
You need to use the selection and editing tools provided on the Annotation Toolbar, not the standard editor selection tool to move the annotation or access feature class annotation context menus.  There are some other twitchy aspects of feature-class annotation editing, such as it must be a selectable feature set in the Selection tab.  It has been a while since I have done annotation editing, but those two things are essential (along with being in data view or a focused data frame as mentioned above).
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