Annotation exporting outside data frame V10

05-12-2011 07:31 AM
Occasional Contributor
Running ArcGIS 10 SP2, when I export to PDF, annotation from a V9.3 file Geodatabase shows up in the margins of the map, outside of the data frame.
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63 Replies
Regular Contributor
I reported this and was told that it's a new bug (overflow labels; overflow annotation was fixed in SP3). I used the tedious rectangle solution described by Austin.

By the way, if you rotate your data frame by about 14 degrees the problems goes away.
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Occasional Contributor
We are at ArcGIS 10, SP4 and this issue is still not fixed. Symbols from certain layers fall outside the data frame when exporting to PDF, either using ArcMap or PDFfill. Anno behaves correctly. It also does this when printing or exporting to JPG. All data is in ArcSDE at 10.

We have tried changing layer order, removing layers, recreating the MXD, using the data-driven pages clip option in Data Frame properties and all other sorts of options and nothing we did or things suggested above works.  The misbehaving layer jumps to other layers when some layers were removed as a test, so it's not the data layer itself causing the issue.

We finally uninstalled the "upgrade" and reverted to 10 SP1, that works OK.  ArcMap 10 SP 2, 3, and 4 all have this issue.

Ray Montgomery, GISP
Sandy City, Utah
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Deactivated User
Using another pdf writer such as CutePDF or PDFDocs used to resolve this issue but since SP4 it is a problem again. Tried all of the solutions mentioned above and the only one to work was creating the doughnut around the data frame. Only problem was I had my co-ordinates outside my data frame which were blanked out. ESRI need to resolve this issue quickly. Mark
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New Contributor
Thanks for the information you have given,my problem has been solved and iam having SP2.
Have uninstalled my previous one.
Animation" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">]Animation Tutorial
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Emerging Contributor
Hi, I seem to have a similar problem but with labels instead of annotation.

I have discovered 1 layer that is actually causing this problem. There is a layer on top of all the others. When I drag it to the bottom my export to pdf is good. When I turn it off the pdf is good.
It's a point shapefile. The symbol is a character marker symbol of a flag. Switching the symbol doesn't help though.

Have any of you tried turning of layers of dragging them to the bottom?
I don't think there's anything wrong with the shapefile. It seems more like conflict in the layers...


ArcGIS 10 SP4 Win7
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Emerging Contributor
Found the cause...

In my case the labels outside the dataframe seem to be coming from a problem with a different layer.
The layer I mentioned before has a character marker symbol, and this seems to give a conflict with the labeled layer.

my solution:
1 change the symbol to a simple symbol
2 drag the pointlayer below the the layer with the lables

as long as there aren't any polygon layers above that your points are still visible and the problem should be solved

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New Contributor
I was having the same trouble with an annotation feature class and a point feature class symbol drawing outside of the data frame extent on my PDF exports.  For the two layers which were drawing outside of the extent, I moved them both to the bottom of the TOC and ran an export to PDF and it worked properly. Then one at a time I promoted the layers up from the bottom of the TOC and ran an export each time they were promoted up in the TOC.  I was able to identify the layers in conflict with eachother which caused the layers to act up on the export.  I'm thinking it has to do with some complex symbology for my line types? Hope this helps.
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Deactivated User
I was having a similar problem with using clip to shape in the Data Frame, ArcGIS 10 Sp4 Windows 7.  In the MXD everything is clipped , but when exported to a PDF, a couple of features in one layer, do not get clipped. What worked was converting the problematic shapefile to a FC in a Geodatabase.  Using the 2 graphic rectangles described above or grouping everything did not work.  Maybe there was a problem with the shapefile that converting to a FC fixed?
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New Contributor
SOLUTION (at least for me): I had the same problem with annotations showing up outside the data frame when both exporting to .pdf and when printing the .mxd straight from Arc.  Even using a .pdf printer did not fix it.  I grouped all my layers into one large group in the data frame and the problem was solved.  I have wasted so much time on this. 

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Deactivated User
I had this problem and resolved it without a workaround. SP 5 was installed for my 10.0 version, but the SDE server was still at SP 4. ESRI installation notes (following) say that the server must be version upgraded also. I uninstalled SP 5, reloaded SP 4, and all is well.

ERSI SP5 installation note says, "If you use ArcIMS 10.0 or the ArcSDE 10.0 application server, you must also install ArcIMS 10.0 Service Pack 5 or ArcSDE 10.0 Service Pack 5. For example, if you use ArcIMS 10.0 and ArcGIS 10.0 Desktop, install both ArcIMS 10.0 Service Pack 5 and ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 5 . Since ArcIMS 10.0 Service Pack 5, ArcSDE 10.0 Service Pack 5 and the ArcGIS 10.0 Service Pack 5 products share common DLLs, it is important to keep the software release versions in sync to avoid any software conflicts."
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