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Adding text or graphics in data view

06-04-2010 07:59 AM
Deactivated User
I'm having trouble adding text and graphic shapes in the data view. (I usually don't do this because there are often better ways, but in this case, there are some graphics that would be best to add manually to the data view).

When I try to do so, the outline of the element shows up while still selected, but once I click completely disappears. Why is it doing this and how can I fix it? Thanks!
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor
If you have set a reference scale in Data Frame Properties - General and you are zoomed out at a significantly larger scale, the text and graphics might appear very small and become unnoticeable if there are lots of other items.  When you add text or graphics you might do so at the scale you expect to display them at, so you can see how they will look and how they are placed relative to any associated features.
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Deactivated User
Thanks for your quick reply, John! I do have my reference scale set at 1"=30', but I'm viewing it at that scale as well.  I'll try fiddling with zoom and scale but more suggestions are welcome!
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Honored Contributor
I did this once and it took me awhile to figure out what I had done.  I unchecked the default item in the Data Frame Properties - Annotation Groups and so all my graphics disappeared including the new ones I added.  But then you wouldn't be able to re-select the graphic.  If you can, perhaps your text or graphic color got set to No color?
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Deactivated User
That's it! The default annotation group was unchecked. fyi -I was only able to see the object outline until I clicked off of it and then I wouldn't be able to select it again. Thank you so much!!
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