Hi @HelenD1
I assume you're adding the WMS as a Content item in your Portal?
I would recommend saving the content item without directly specifying the projection at this stage. When the item is subsequently added as a layer to the Map Viewer, it will dynamically request the correct projection for you to match the coordinate system of the basemap chosen.
I have tested using the custom parameter "crs" set to "EPSG:27700" when adding a WMS item to content. This will append the parameter to all subsequent requests sent to the service. While I was able to subsequently add the layer to Map Viewer with a BNG basemap, there was an issue getting the legend to display. The layer will also then fail to display if a basemap with a different projection (e.g. EPSG:3857) is chosen. So in most circumstances I'd suggest leaving the custom parameters and letting Map Viewer append this parameter for you.
I hope this is helpful,