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Interactive image georeferencing in ArgGIS server

06-29-2010 11:21 PM
Status: Open
Deactivated User
Standard interactive and simple image georeferencing tools in ArcGIS server could create big advantage. Google etarh pro allow to upload (georeferenced/not georeferenced) images (2000x2000pixels) -> interactively georeference -> use it as KML/KMZ. This is not enough, because we can not download georeferenced images. It would be good to have a tool in ArcGIS server which allow upload->interactively georeference->download georeferenced image in any format. "Interactively georeference" do not mean that we need to use advanced transformations which are in dekstop already. It is enough to have an aproximate image place. This could be used by users who already have large amount of scanned old images without coordiantes marked on it (or coordinates which are in local coordiante systems and we do not know the transformation coeficients). Spatial planners who work in municipalities has huge archives af old analogical maps. The people who produced these maps and drawings and who know areas covered in these maps or drawings - are not  in business anymore. Using ArcGIS server spatial planners could use services and other data sources as background information in order to georeference old maps. In most cases there are not enough backround data in local municipality. ArcGIS server could be used in order to consolidate services from other service providers in order to produce a good background for georeferencing of scanned old maps or drawings. Municipalties then can give out old georeferenced images for spatial planners or upload to central archives managed by national institutions. Google pro are not enough since it has size and download limitations. The vision of idea: ArcGIS server - consolidates map background services in order to georeference scanned images.
ESRI could realize it as function in ArcGIS Explorer. The functionality would perfectly promote GeoDesign concept.

Great idea! I guess such a tool (service) will be very attractive for planers from Central and Eastern European countries. They have a huge quantity of old maps – i.e. maps of drainage system, soils, and etc.

Different maps may use different projection systems. Georeferencing tools contain methods to combine and overlay these maps. in a web app this can be done with minimal fuss.