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Create a Standardize Address method for ArcGIS Server / Enterprise

06-21-2021 12:24 PM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

Please create a standardize address method to an existing Geocoding Service or possibly as its own service. Look ups should support a single candidate or possibly batch candidates.There are needs to standardize address information outside of geocoding the address, sometimes when an incomplete address or only the street name has been provided. We'd like to use this to convert Next Gen 911 style street names to legacy or vise versa. 

To make this work with a geocoding you must severely reducing the scoring which inherently creates other issues. 

Ideally an address candidate could enter the standardize method and the output results includes the candidate as well as the result split into the addressing components as configured in the service. 

The use of geoprocessing tasks is not a realistic option as the current standardize addresses tool takes in a dataset and requires an output dataset. This is overkill for simply standardizing a list of street names from Next Gen 911 style to the legacy style.