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Add group layers support to FeatureService

09-27-2021 02:23 AM
Status: Open
Emerging Contributor

It will interesting to keep the GroupLayer information in FeatureService once published from ArcGIS Pro.

If you share layers of GroupLayer in ArcGIS Pro to your portal's content as MapLayer and FeatureLayer, the GroupLayer information is dropped from the FeatureLayer.

It will be usefull to keep it.

Tags (2)

"Grouping" layers is something specific to a map's configuration, and doesn't really do anything in terms of the data. In the new map viewer, layers can be grouped together.

What exactly is in the GroupLayer information that is useful?


In fact, I think it will be interesting that the REST API could present Group Layer in FertureService as it does in the MapService.

So when we add the entire FeatureService in the webmap, grouplayer will be kept.

I don't know if I'm clear.


I guess my point was that grouping layers is somewhat arbitrary and map-specific, and can presently be accomplished in the new map viewer. Short of saving you a few clicks to group the layers manually, what would keeping the GroupLayer actually accomplish?