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New release - ArcGIS Earth Mobile V1.5!

03-18-2022 01:57 AM
Esri Contributor
1 0 494


The release version 1.5 of ArcGIS Earth Mobile is available in App Store and Google Play. Many of you may have already tried the updates when the build was rolling out earlier this month, and we also shared the new version with the community at the Esri Developer Summit 2022 where we received positive feedback. In this major update, we focus on data support, visualization, sharing and usability, as outlined below:  

What’s new in V1.5

New data type 

  • Support for vector tile layers including online services and offline data packages

YujingChang_1-1647591838014.pngData Source:  Formations géologiques à 1/1 000 000 - France métropolitaine and Media_Moon_3D_Scene 

Visualization and Sharing

  • Add an AR view mode for featured and users‘ data
  • Redesign UX and UI for placemarks editing -  add customization symbol (including icon, color, size), location displaying, and description information
  • Improve the pop-up style to display the info attached to features

Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 4.36.07 PM.png                                                                         AR Mode and Placemarks editing                                                                

  • GPS enhancements-
    • record GPS Track with z-value and visualize the vertical changes
    • show Track stats including speed profile and elevation profile
    • allow editing Track title when sharing it to portal
    • add location info to Track name and the shareable card

YujingChang_4-1647592783621.png                                                                      GPS Tracks                                                                                    


  • provide proper error messages for adding data and connecting to portal  
  • re-order the how-to gesture tutorial (zoom and tilt)
  • provide notification when launching the app in a disconnected environment  
  • unify measurement units settings in a global menu


ArcGIS Earth Mobile Fixed Issues List

For iOS



Add Data

1.    Fixed a bug that some picture contents in Kml popup may not appear correctly.

GPS Track

2.    Fixed a bug that when the previous track may miss after switching the view


3.    Fixed an ANR when trying to save screenshot to photo while the permission is not granted in system


4.    Fixed a bug in tapping Tours makes app freeze on iOS 15.x

For Android



Add data

1.     Fixed a bug that Kml popup having picture contents may not appear correctly.

GPS Track

Fixed an issue in showing Track name in non-English locale.


2.     Fixed an issue in toggling terrain service on and off when switching between UIs


Known limitation



Add data

1.     Tiled Imagery layer is not yet supported


2.     Adding some integrated mesh layers may cause a crash in the app(iOS)


3.     Only data with web mercator (3857) tiling scheme is supported(iOS)


4.     Locator may not respond when network connection is not poor or restored from bad condition(iOS)


5.     The highlighted identify-object is not in the viewpoint of zoom to(iOS)


Get the app

Try or upgrade your ArcGIS Earth mobile app and let us know your thoughts.

iOS users:

Get from App Store:


Android users:

Get from Google Play:


Or download and create an APK file from