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ArcGIS Earth Mobile January 2021 update - version 1.3 is live!

01-14-2021 12:18 AM
Esri Contributor
5 4 1,466

ArcGIS Earth for mobile version 1.3 is now available in Google Play and App Store. Ithis update, we brought in several exciting new features and made multiple enhancements including: 

  • Record GPS tracks and share them as KMZ 
  • Take snapshots of the full scene with a native screen capture tool 
  • Launch navigation apps from ArcGIS Earth 
  • Scan QR code of the portal URL for quick and easy connection 
  • Toggle on and off terrain from the Basemap Gallery 

New features 

GPS tracks 

ArcGIS Earth for mobile now provides you with a simple and accurate way to record real-time position and save the route as you moveYou can share the tracks as kmz files or upload them to your organization’s portal. In recording the tracksyou get information about total distance, the time elapsed and speed and review the summary in a finished track. Basemap can be turned on and off for visual reference. 



Provide navigation options for routing to a place 

ArcGIS Earth mobile now supports getting directions using navigation apps installed on your mobile device. With the reference of a wide collection of high-resolution basemaps, you can easily pinpoint the location of your destination or a geosearched result into a placemarkBtapping the "Navigation" icon on an identified placemark card, you are given options to launch a navigation app for routingIn this release we support the following apps:  ArcGIS Navigator, Apple Map, AutoNavi AMap, Baidu Maps and Google Maps. 


Connect to portal by scanning QR code 

You now have the option to scan a QR code of the portal URL to make a quick connection.   


Turn on & off terrain 

A terrain switch is added to the Basemap GalleryWhen loading data from a Web Scene or a Mobile Scene Packageyou can manually toggle off the terrain, which facilitates targeted data processing as needed. 


Full screenshot  

Using the native scene capture tool, you are now able to take snapshots in full screen for presenting and sharing of the data.  



  • Enhanced layer management by supporting the deletion of multiple layers. 
  • Improved the layout of Add Data. 
  • Support for displaying a layer's full name by long-pressing the layer in the table of contents. 
  • Improved support for connecting to an ArcGIS Enterprise portal with PKI authentication. 


Known issues of ArcGIS Earth mobile v1.3 




Add data

1.      App Crashes when loading some SLPK files.


2.      Sliding left and right in iOS devices doesn't change the group in Add data from the portal window.


3.      App crashes when user adds a particular Image service data.


4.      PKI portal can not create successfully.


5.      Geo Search page buttons are not responding in bad network conditions.


6.      Uninterpretable error messages when opening specific MMPKs.


7.      No thousand separators on iOS for added data.




Add data

1.      Adding local files from Download or Documents folder may fail on some devices running Android 10 or 11.

 2.      App crashes when user adds a particular Image service data.

3.      Data from downloading or transferring in some third-party apps may fail to load. 


4.      Users may see an Untrusted Host message multiple times when the app renders basemap and terrain in some specific situations.


5.      The empty state UI has a display issue on some small-screen devices.


6.      The heading of the current location may not be correctly represented in some regions.


7.      My current location point is not always centered on the scene.


Issues fixed in ArcGIS Earth mobile v1.

For iOS 



Add data

1.     Fixed a bug that basemaps always fails to load to the default scene.


2.     Provided default geocoding service when not available via portal connection or mspk.


3.     Fixed a bug in displaying SLPK when it’s featureData is missing the required id property.


4.     Fixed a bug in adding SLPK from the external crash.


5.     Fixed a bug in adding Web Scene from URL.


6.     Fixed a bug in loading a specific kmz file.


7.     Fixed a bug in keyboard remaining open on the pane after switching from Search box to Download/Filter page.


8.     Enhanced the layer management in the TOC.


9.     Enhanced the layer name display in the TOC.


10.  Enhanced the TOC UI that confirm button can't be displayed completely in iPad Pro.


11.  Enhanced the UI that the height of the delete button is inconsistent with the item bar on the Downloaded/Downloading page.


12.  Fixed a bug in displaying the different numbers in Viewshed.


13.  Fixed a bug in canceling to remove in My Placemarks Page.

For Android 



Add data

1.     Fixed a bug in displaying SLPK when it’s featureData is missing the required id property.


2.     Fixed a bug in adding local data in an opened Web Scene or MSPK.



3.     Fixed a bug in downloading multiple MSPK.


4.     Fixed a bug in loading contents in My Groups.


5.     Enhanced connecting to Enterprise Portal using PKI authentication.


6.     Fixed an issue in pausing and restarting downloading files.


7.     Enhanced the TOC UI to better display on some specific devices.


8.     Enhanced the layer name display and layer management in the TOC.


9.     Fixed some UI issues in Geosearching an address or place.


10.  Fixed a toolbox button display issue on some tablets.


11.  Enhanced the UI for the Add data tool.


12.  Fixed a bug in converting units.


13.  Fixed an issue in editing the viewshed distance parameter.


14.  Fixed a bug in editing pictures.


15.  Fixed a picture display issue in playing tour.


16.  Fixed a bug of missing existing tour.


17.  Fixed an issue in selecting pictures from Album.


Device requirements 

  • iOS 12  or  later 
  • Android 6.0 (Marshmallow)  API 23 or later 


Android users can also download the app from our document resource page by following the instructions