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Error authorizing ArcMap 10.6.1

02-12-2019 05:52 AM
Esri Contributor


After I authorize ArcMap it says authorization was successful 

I try to open ArcMap and I says No license available. After I checked availability option, it says Authorization NO. I renamed Flexnet folder 2 times, I installed ArcMap and repair it and every time i got the same error. successful authorization but it does not reflect in availability section and ArcMap do no open.

What could it be?


Diego Llamas

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Hi Diego,

The first thing I would check is that the Authorization that was authorized is an Advanced Single Use and that the correct product is selected in the Desktop folder. If Desktop Advanced was not authorized, but it's the product selected in the Destkop folder, the licenses will show as not available. Is it possible you authorized a Standard or Basic Single Use license? Can you try changing the product selected and see if that makes the license available? Or double check the product associated with the ESU number/provisioning file in MyEsri?

If that doesn't resolve the issue, it might be a good idea to contact Esri Support Services if that's possible.

But I'm hoping it will!



Esri Regular Contributor


Go to the Support Operations folder and Deauthorize.  It will list all the authorized single use license to deauthorize.  You may have authorized a Basic or Standard license.  If that is case, go back to the Desktop folder and change to the appropriate license level as Lauren mentioned.

It's possible you may have authorized ArcGIS Pro single use licenses.  ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro use the same authorization wizard under the hood.  You can use either applications to authorize/deauthorize ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro single use licenses.  However, each application has its own license.  You cannot use Pro licenses for ArcMap and vice versa.  Check to see which license you authorized.

New Contributor

I am having the same challenge, Please can you help me on how you solved your challenge

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New Contributor

Any resolution to this? I have the same issue.

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