I am trying to uninstall my ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 but this notification keep popping :
“Error 1321. Windows Installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file”
Is there anything i miss ?
Please help.
Thank You
Try granting system and everyone Full Control to the problem directory.and then try the uninstall.
Try to login as an Administrator and try the install...
@Dio Dinta, *,
64-bit Windows--but are you on Windows 7 sp1, 8 or is it 8.1?
Have a look in the Windows system event logs found in the Control Panel --> Administrative tools --> Event viewer . There should be a more complete error message for the MSIEXEC Error 1321 than what shows in the Error dialog.
The problem can still be an ownership/permission for the .prj file itself in the installation folder, or possibly that it is held as in use in the Windows Registry in a value or KEY that can't be deleted. Either case the log should give us a clue.
Hi All,
Thank you for your recommendation. Thanks to you, the problem is now solved.
We rollback the uninstallation process, and then move the specified folder to another place. Then try uninstalling again.