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ArcGIS 10.3.1 & 10.4 problems on Windows 10

02-29-2016 09:59 AM
Deactivated User

Would be most grateful for any help here, I have worked with ArcGIS for eight years now and think I have tried all my options now.

In the last two months I have attempted an install of first ArcGIS for Desktop 10.3.1 and then 10.4 directly onto (the same) 64 bit Windows 10 machine. In both cases the installation has appeared successful, and the licences for Desktop and extensions are shown as available in ArcGIS Administrator (Desktop Advanced concurrent use, using 'localhost' as licence manager).

However, I cannot launch ArcCatalog or ArcMap. Map displays the opening window and text for initialising licence and initialising application, and then just freezes indefinitely on loading document. Catalog displays the opening window with no text. Both programmes almost immediately display not responding status in task manager upon attempted launch. I have conducted a number of clean uninstalls in between attempts (using CCleaner) and clearing the registry also, but nothing I have tried has been successful. My system meets all the required hardware and software specs.

What is most frustrating is that I have two other machines running Desktop 10.3.0, initially with Win 7 64 bit OS; these were upgraded to Win 10 64 bit and I was straight back in business with ArcGIS as if nothing had changed! As I said, any and all ideas gratefully received! Thanks in advance.

12 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

This can result from an upgrade to Python 2.7.11, which was released on December 12, 2015.

In the newly released version, there is a line in the code that makes the following statement, where 'PyWin_DLLVersionString' now is "2.7-32".

This statement searches for the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Python\PythonCore\2.7-32\PythonPath, which does not exist.

Check the workarounds here.

Think Location
Deactivated User

Thanks for the link Jayanta. So far no joy with workaround No.1 (neither Map nor Catalog will open). Plan to reverse registry edits and try workaround No.2

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Honored Contributor

You can also try deleting your template.mxt file from your profile and see what happens. Mine constantly goes corrupt which prevents Arcmap from opening (I see the splash screen and then nothing).

On my 64-bit Windows 7 machine, the template for Arcmap is here:


Up one level you will find a subfolder for ArcCatalog. It, too, will have a subfolder for its template. I don't know if you have any customizations in your template so you can just rename the file if you want to hang on it. If Arcmap doesn't find a template.mxt file, it will create a new one when Arcmap/ArcCatalog starts.


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Deactivated User


Thanks for your reply. I deleted both the normal.mxt for Map and the normal.gxt for catalog but to no avail, the problem still persists.

Some information on attempt of workaround No.2 from the link provided by Jayanta above. When I attempt to uninstall/change Python 2.7.11 in either control panel or CCleaner tools, Python is not amongst the programs. I am certain it installed with ArcGIS, but it appears that it did so directly onto c: drive and not into either of the program files folders. I can open the command line for python so it appears to be functional, although it is version 2.7.10 rather than 2.7.11. Not sure where this leaves me.

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Honored Contributor

You might also try to rename your ArcCatalog.gx.  That actually worked once for me if I recall correctly.  ESRI tech support would probably suggest you rename the entire ESRI folder to see if that works.

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Deactivated User


Just a further update on progress. python.exe is installed directly onto the root C: directory, I have done some digging and this seems to be normal. It is installed in python27 folder, with two sub folders, ArcGIS10.4 & ArcGISx6410.4. It is definitely version 2.7.10 and therefore the workarounds for version 2.7.11 detailed above do not seem to be effective, and I cannot launch either Map or Catalog succesfully. Any further suggestions gratefully received!!!

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Check if the Python environment variables are defined.

Upgrading to 10.4 -- don't forget to adjust your PYTHON environemnt variables

Think Location
Honored Contributor

Do you by any chance have Net 3.5. SP1 turned off or not installed?

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Deactivated User


Many thanks for your continued support. A quick update; Both Net 3.5 and 4.6.1 were already turned on (ESRI system requirements state 4.5 or later version). I checked the system variables, DEFMAPPYTHONHOME  is set for 10.4, I cannot however see a PYTHONPATH variable.

All this being said, I had some success yesterday when I managed to open ArcMap (after loading document for approx 20 mins), and then I opened Catalog (not quite as long wait but similar). Map is very slow and certain functions tested (enabling extensions or opening layer properties) froze the machine and needed another period of waiting. Running optimally it is certainly not! Have not even attempted to add data or tried opening Scene yet. As ever, any further suggestions most welcome.

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