List concurrent licenses script

03-18-2020 11:44 AM

List concurrent licenses script

This script is a simple .bat script to list current licenses. This is a very low-tech alternative to the Where have all the licenses gone? application; it pops up a listing in a notepad window for review.

This script assumes that a current version of lmutil.exe is copied to the same folder as the .bat script. Alternatively you could edit the script to point to the lmutil.exe in the License Manager install.

:: lmstatus.bat
:: Report complete license manager status 
:: Usage:  lmstatus {license server}
:: Curtis Price,, 09/08/2009 Original coding
:: cprice 03/07/2011 hide activations from output (find /v)
:: cprice 07/28/2016 set up HERE variable to run from anywhere
:: Edit the script to set LMHOST to your license server

@echo off 
set LMHOST=%1
if "%1" == "" set
echo Checking licenses on %LMHOST% ... 
set fn=%TEMP%\ESRILicenseUse.txt
echo %fn% > "%fn%"
echo. >> "%fn%"
set HERE=%~d0%~p0
"%HERE%\lmutil.exe" lmstat -a -c @%LMHOST% | find /v "ACTIVATION" >> %fn%
start /b notepad "%fn%"


MVP Regular Contributor

Thank you Curtis!


This is beautiful and excellent!

It is because of your comment on ensuring that you have a current version of lmutil.exe that my team and I were able to get this to work.

See my comment on the other thread for the details: 


also this free resource:

JTB flexreport light
MVP Regular Contributor

I am providing an update to the attached file from that thread above:

Query the concurrent ArcGIS Desktop licenses from anywhere within network

Version history
Last update:
‎04-05-2021 03:55 PM
Updated by: