Here's a cheat sheet of how to fix crashing ArcMap. An ArcMap "crash" is when ArcMap abruptly closes, or closes with a popup referencing an application error.
Stop going down the list when things are working again. Good luck!
ArcMap 10.2 crashing when opening .mxd files - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange
32797 - ArcMap.exe has encountered an error and needs to close. We apologize for the inconvenience
29936 - ArcMap crashes when trying to start, but ArcCatalog starts correctly
UPDATE: I was able to, in Catalog, highlight all feature classes and deselect the bad one and copy the good data to another gdb where I can use my python script with iterators.
Any idea how to delete a corrupt feature class that crashes python window, ModelBuilder, ArcMap and Pro when you click on it or call it in code? it's in a feature dataset with our parcel data so it's quite a bit of work to start over.
You could try the Repair Geometry tool on your bad feature class.
Also check your source data account if connecting to sde, and if oracle and 10.2 crashes, but 10.3+ works, it may be because you never added select_catalog_role to your sde user accounts.
Additional tricks: export all layers using a newer version using this python and try dragging them into a new mxd file to see which layer is bad.