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Data reviewer batch job fails to return errors

07-25-2012 09:41 AM
Emerging Contributor
I seem to be encountering a bug in the data reviewer extension. Running a standalone check returns records; visual inspection shows they are true errors. Running the same check in a batch job does not return any records.
The check is a geometry on geometry check, with a SQL clause limiting each feature class, and a ???Not Within??? relationship.  A coworker wrote the same check from scratch and we ran the check on a different computer, with the same results.
Has anyone else encountered this?
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10 Replies
Esri Contributor
When you ran the batch job, did you have any invalid geometry errors?

In order to execute a Reviewer batch job, you have to start a Reviewer session.  In the Reviewer Session Manager dialog, there is an advanced property in the Reviewer Methods tab that you may want to enable, Continue batch processing if default checks return error.

By default, invalid geometry checks will be automatically added to your batch validation in the Batch Validate dialog.  If you have invalid geometry features, then the batch validation process will end unless you enable the Continue batch processing if default checks return error option.
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Emerging Contributor
Hi Michelle,
Yes, I did have the reviewer session to continue even if the default checks return errors. There were no invalid geometry errors anyway.
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Esri Contributor
Okay. What version of Data Reviewer are you using?  What geodatabase format is your data in?
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Emerging Contributor
I am running ArcMap10.0 wih Data Reviewer (Real Version :, Build Number : 389).
The data I am checking is all in one file geodatabase and by session is stored in another file geodatabase.
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Esri Contributor
Haven't heard of this happening before except with the Valency Check. - and there was a fix for this in a patch.

Are you running the batch job on Selection Set, Current Extent, Definition Query, or Full Database?

Can you install service pack 5 and test again?
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Emerging Contributor
I'm running the check on the full database.
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Esri Contributor
If you are still experiencing this issue after installing ArcGIS 10 Service Pack 5 and ArcGIS Data Reviewer 10 Service Pack 5, it might be best to contact technical support.  They can setup a desktop sharing session to see exactly what you are doing and troubleshoot your issue.
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

This is a very old thread, but I seem to be having the same problem.

I have a RBJ file setup that runs great on Desktop.  It produces the correct output and error geometries in REVTABLEPOLY (I'm only checking polygons in this RBJ).

When I run the same RBJ using arcpy in Python, it completes successfully and produces the correct errors as seen in REVTABLEMAIN, but there are no error polygons in REVTABLEPOLY.  I need those error polygons in addition to the details found in REVTABLEMAIN.

The associated bits from my Python code pertaining to this creates an empty and new file geodatabase.  Then it enables Data Reviewer in this GDB.  Then I create a new session in the Reviewer Workspace.  I then run the RBJ.  I am pretty sure I'm doing this correctly since I do get valid results.....just not the error polygons.  Is there a parameter I'm overlooking?  I've included the part of code in question below.

# Check Out Data Reviewer Extension

# Create GDB to Contain RBJ Errors
now =
gdbName = '%s%s%s_%s%s%s.gdb' % (now.strftime('%m'), now.strftime('%d'),
                                 now.strftime('%Y'), now.strftime('%H'),
                                 now.strftime('%M'), now.strftime('%S'))
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(batchOutDir, gdbName)

# Set Geoprocessing Workspace Environment
arcpy.env.workspace = batchOutDir+os.sep+gdbName

# Enable Data Reviewer inside GDB

# Start Reviewer Sesson
session = "Automated Checks"
arcpy.CreateReviewerSession_Reviewer(arcpy.env.workspace, session)

arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(polysToCheck + '\NGlayers\ESNs','polyLyr')

# Run Automated Checks RBJ File
res = arcpy.ExecuteReviewerBatchJob_Reviewer(arcpy.env.workspace,
                                             "Session 1 : Automated Checks",
                                             workDir + os.sep + rbjFile,
                                             polysToCheck, 'polyLyr')

# Check In Data Reviewer License

I'm running ArcGIS Desktop  Data Reviewer version 10.1-10.5  (as stated in Administrator).  Python 2.7.13.

If anyone has some input on what I can do to produce these polygons, please let me know.  Thanks!

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Esri Contributor

Hi.  When you enable the Reviewer workspace, you need to pass in the spatial reference that matches the data you are validating.  If you do not pass in the spatial reference, it will default to GCS_WGS_1984.  If the spatial reference of your features you are validating does not match the spatial reference of the Reviewer workspace, it cannot capture the error geometries.

Hope this helps.

